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Disponibile nuovo firmware Ecos 2 3.5.0

Inviato: mercoledì 9 maggio 2012, 19:16
da gianmodel
Ciao a tutti e' disponibile sul sito Esu il nuovo firmware per la Ecos 2 versione 3.5.0
Per la Ecos 1 e' disponibile l'apposto firmware !!!
Ecco tutte le correzioni dei bug e le aggiunte di funzioni :

routes and feedback system:
- BUGFIX: feedbacksystem sometimes did trigger other routes. Leading to performance problems and lockings
- BUGFIX: When XML-export of routes in the webserver, resulting file did not open in openoffice
- BUGFIX: Display error of routes without feedback module in webserver
- BUGFIX: Removed bugs when editing routes leading to crash of ECoS
- BUGFIX: Wrong display of route status, if dummy-item was switched
- ADD: Routes can be grouped and disabled by group. This is persistent
- ADD: You can now select the trigger (rising or falling edge) when a route will be switched
- ADD: "Debouncing" of routes: Routes that are already set will not be re-set
- ADD: You can now define up to eight conditions that must be true before routes are triggered
- ADD: You can now define a delay before the first item of a route is switched.
- ADD: Editing of routes now is faster (GUI)
- ADD: To edit a route, the power on the main track MUST be on. Otherwise, editing is disabled.
- ADD: When editing routes, the automatic triggering of routes is temporarily disabled

- BUGFIX: No more crash when editing an accessory that is accessed via PC interface at the same time
- BUGFIX: Sometimes, ECoS crashed when editing an ECoSDetector
- BUGFIX: Fixed a bug in the ECoSDetector Edit menu
- BUGFIX: When editing consists (multiple units), sometimes the wrong locomotive icon was shown
- BUGFIX: When Powermonitor was on and you entered the ECoSDetector Edit menu, the Powermonitor did not close
- BUGFIX: Turntable control using a LokPilot DCC did not support long addresses
- BUGFIX: Turntable control now limits the addresses correctly
- BUGFIX: Turntable control sometimes crashed when turning the turntable
- BUGFIX: Sometimes, ECoS crashed when deleting a turntable
- ADD: Remembers the Multi cab display even on restart
- ADD: If possible, select last item in scroll boxes
- ADD: Selected item in dropdown-menus is centered in the screen
- ADD: Added option in the setup menu to decide if track power in "on" after startup
- ADD: Using the locomotive select button, you can also exit the locomotive menu now
- ADD: When selecting locomotives using the numeric keypad, the response time is much faster now
- ADD: ESU Navigator Basestation Firmware update 1.4. (Enabling computer interface)